mysql命令行刪除用戶 mysql新加入用戶與刪除用戶詳細操作命令
2017-07-11 15:34:03
方法1 :使用mysql root(root權限)用戶登陸直接賦權也能夠創(chuàng)建用戶 /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 123456 mysql -uroot -p password 查看全部username與password select host ,user ,password from user; grant all on ec.* to 'root'@'%'? identified by '123456'; grant all privileges on ec.* to 'cockpit'@'%'? identified by '123456'; grant all on ec.* to 'cockpit'@'%'? identified by '123456'; grant all privileges on ec.* to 'cockpit'@'%'? identified by '123456'; flush privileges;; 更改數(shù)據(jù)庫password user mysql 改動mysql數(shù)據(jù)庫的password ?UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('123456') where USER='root'; mysql? rootpassword為空? 登陸的時候不須要password UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD(null) where USER='root'; flush privileges; 方法二: 1.新建用戶。 //登錄MYSQL @>mysql -u root -p @>password //首先為用戶創(chuàng)建一個數(shù)據(jù)庫(testDB) mysql>create database testDB? default character set utf8;; //創(chuàng)建用戶 mysql> insert into mysql.user(Host,User,Password) values("localhost","test",password("1234")); //刷新系統(tǒng)權限表 mysql>flush privileges; 這樣就創(chuàng)建了一個名為:test? password為:1234? 的用戶。 然后登錄一下。 mysql>exit; @>mysql -u phplamp -p @>輸入password mysql>登錄成功 2.為用戶授權。 ??? 格式:grant 權限 on 數(shù)據(jù)庫.* to username@登錄主機 identified by "password";  ??? >grant all privileges on phplampDB.* to phplamp@localhost identified by '1234"; ??? 授權test用戶擁有全部數(shù)據(jù)庫的某些權限:     mysql>grant select,delete,update,create,drop on *.* to test@"%" identified by "1234"; ???? //test用戶對全部數(shù)據(jù)庫都有select,delete,update,create,drop 權限。 //@"%" 表示對全部非本地主機授權。不包含localhost。(localhost地址設為127.0.0.1。假設設為真實的本地地址,不知道能否夠,沒有驗證。) 3.刪除用戶。 @>mysql -u root -p @>password mysql>DELETE FROM user WHERE User="test" and Host="localhost"; mysql>flush privileges; //刪除用戶的數(shù)據(jù)庫 mysql>drop database testDB; 4.改動指定用戶password。 @>mysql -u root -p @>password mysql>update mysql.user set password=password('新密碼') where User="test" and Host="localhost"; mysql>flush privileges; delete from? user where User="test" and Host="localhost"; 也能夠試試: 刪除賬戶及權限:>drop user username@'%';         >drop user username@ localhost;
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